For the first in a web series, Amitai Burstein discusses how a budget and time driven discovery process gets a project off on the right foot.
Adam Stewart
Adar Earon shares about his overwhelmingly great experience at his first DrupalCon.
Adar Earon
Rachel Baram's impression of a job posting calling women and mothers to join Gizra.
Rachel Baram
Here are some of the best practices we apply in Gizra to ensure a smooth migration project, with the least possible amount of surprises or bugs.
Helena Eksler
Setting up Travis-CI biggest pain point is debugging the machine. There is a new and better way that will allow for easier debugging of your test scripts.
Nir Galon
We needed to translate one of our Elm apps to multiple languages. We stumbled upon the elm-i18n library. However, something was missing. Type safety.
Amitai Burstein
If you haven't ever seen Elm, or already develop in Elm and want to better understand how to think Elm, this presentation might give you a nudge in the right direction.
Please meet our dashboard Shoov. Basically every project we work on has full test coverage but Shoov also provides us with a visual regression testing harness.
Nir Yariv